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That said, not all games require players to pre-emptively wipe their hard drives. In fact, some take up less space than the average save file. Here are some PS4 games that won't mandate a storage space sacrifice.
Updated May 18th, 2021 by Russ Boswell: Although the PS5 is dominating headlines in 2021, the PS4 is still receiving tons of content. This is especially true when it comes to the PlayStation Store, which continues to push Indie titles and retro classics alike. Now, more than ever, there is an abundance of small PS4 games available to download, meaning you can jump into a new game session faster than ever. Thanks to this constant stream of new releases, there are even more bite-sized adventures to be had.
Requiring an unimposing 140MB of hard drive space, Ronin is about as lightweight as it gets. While the visuals won't exactly impress, the gameplay more than makes up for the lackluster presentation, and those who strive for flawless runs could get a ton of mileage out of this title.
A 2D pixel art Metroidvania much in the vein of games like Blasphemous, Hollow Knight, and Salt and Sanctuary, Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is a surprisingly deep and gripping experience that packs a whole lot into its incredibly small download size.
Retailing for a mere two dollars, this game almost plays like a rhythm game, as players are only able to punch right and left and must take out enemies as they approach on either side. It's mindless, button-mashy, and more than a bit boring. Yet, with a download size of 80MB, that shouldn't come as much of a surprise.
Best of all, thanks to its start as a SNES game, it's miniature-sized at only (50MB) for the full game. Super Star Wars should always be included in the conversation for the best small PS4 games available.
At first glance, it's easy to understand why Inversus shouldn't take more than a few minutes to download. It's incredibly simplistic in its approach, forgoing detailed visuals for geometric designs and monochromatic battlegrounds. But don't let the lack of detail fool you, Inversus has some addictive gameplay hidden under the hood.
It shouldn't take more than an afternoon or so to chip through Tennis in the Face but some levels offer up quite the challenge. If you're a fan of physics-based ragdoll games, then this is definitely one to check out. The best part is, it won't take more than a few moments to download thanks to its 40MB size.
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