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Clearing the Confusion: Is Couple Promise Rings Set a Diamond or Something Else?

Moissanite is a very popular alternative to diamonds when it comes to Matching Bead Bracelets shopping. It is a mineral known as silicon carbide, which has the same physical and visual properties as diamonds. But, Moissanite isn't the only option; CoupleSets is an innovative alternative that is cutting-edge. CoupleSets are manufactured with the latest technology and cannot be identified visually from a real diamond. With up to 7.00 carats of affordable diamonds and an artistically polished 925 platinum plated 8-layer silver base, CoupleSets offers the ultimate luxury of jewelry ownership. It's only 0.1 percent more than diamonds.

Moissanite and diamond Diamond and Moissanite: Differences and Similarities

Moissanite, a high-quality stone with a lot of sparkle and fire, is often referred to as a diamond substitute. But is it a real diamond? The answer is no. Moissanite i…

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